ah... paris

listening to:

2001-07-16 - 8:54 p.m.

i love paris!

yes, the keyboard was difficult and the tourists were unbelievable, but, i took off the museum marathon hat and just took in Paris. walked the streets, sat at the cafes, wrote in the parks... and just admired the city that it is. ahhh. so wonderful.

there is a certain darkness to paris, even in the mid-summer, its lovely actually. the mystery of the city itself and the people here are intriguing. I really like it here.

i went to one museum the other day, called the Arts de Metiers museum. It was fascinating to see the timeline of technology in mostly western culture. This was particularly interesting to me because of my thesis in undergradute school. I was able to see some of the first devices for electricity, telegraphs, telephones, phonographs, cameras, and yes, the first fax machine and computer.

It is amazing to see how technology has evolved, even to this stage (online diary). I have enjoyed writing this journal. However, there is a part of me, that has disliked the process. It is fun to let all of my family and friends peek in on what I have been doing, however, it has been difficult to process the sights and feelings I have experienced and throw it onto a screen in a matter of 30 or 40 minutes.

I cannot summarize this trip thus far in so few, undescriptive words. It is an experience one must have themselves. I truly believe that. If you have been to Europe, revisit it, both your favorite parts and the uncharted territories. If you have not been, please add it to your list.

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Careful Caretaking - 8:32 a.m. , 2009-04-18

Oh Nine! - 10:46 a.m. , 2009-02-03

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