3 items of business

listening to:

2001-08-14 - 12:33 a.m.



tonight i wanted to write about 3 items of business. If i was a polished writer i would choose one of them and elaborate, however, being that i am not, i have decided to touch on all three subjects:

1) Red light verses the color red.

-- Red light is the darkest on the visible light spectrum. This is why red light is used in a dark room. Right?

The red color though, is very intense. It is used as our stop lights and stop signs and always appears in an "ON SALE" poster in the front of some, any, store at any given moment. They say it also entices hunger. Yes, the color red. State of urgency. "RED ALERT!" "FIRE!" "EXIT." So my question is this: How can the darkest light on the visible light spectrum have so much power as a color? (I know I am comparing apples and oranges here... but on a visual level, i wonder about it.) A seemingly visual dichotomy I assume.

2) The one item found in a peculiar environment:

-- Now, I know you have seen this. You are driving on some urban street, or freeway, highway... some thruway, and lo and behold, you see on the side of the road an item. It slowly comes into focus and before you know it, you have passed it. What was it? No, not a dead animal carcass, it was a shoe. Some worn down old reebok or black payless sandal that someone lost, or misplaced or something. Did someone actually lose it? How did one lone shoe get to the side of the road like that? Have you ever seen someone throw a shoe out their car window? Or seen a flying shoe from an overpass just land in the middle of the road? I haven't. I wonder how that shoe got there. I see them too often not to ask. Was someone done with just one shoe and decided to toss it? This is not something that needs a whole lot of contemplation.

3) Making out at a Jimmy Eat World show during the slow songs:

-- Now this was an epiphany for me this evening. The couple, practically meshed into one being in front of me tonight at the Jimmy Eat World show made me realize the impact of a major label's descent upon the indie rock world. No, it wasn't all the marketing and the media hype, no, not that at all. I am actually extremely happy for the band's success thus far and wish them the very best. But tonight, during two slow songs that they played (episode 4 and table for glasses) the two intertwined beings kissed and rubbed their hands all over one another. They were more interested in making-out than watching the emotional performance jim was giving on stage (side note: and apparently i was more interested in watching them).

This is where I think the difference lies. Not in one show that i have gone to, to see Jimmy Eat World play, have I seen this occurrence. For me, listening and watching the band play was priority and always has been no matter who i am with, or what band, indie or not, i am seeing. For that hour or so, making-out is definitely put on the back burner. Really! This is why you have the CD... right? I think this was a sign, that yes, in fact Jimmy Eat World can no longer be coined as an indie rock group. The couple was more interested in one another than the band itself, which i find is sad.

On the brighter side, I was a good drone and bought my sister a red tee-shirt and got a free sticker for myself. yay!

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