assert yourself!

listening to: jimmy eat world - new ep - stay by my side tonight
mood: yep, pretty good. pretty happy.

2005-10-11 - 11:04 p.m.

when i get over excited about a work issue, i tend to talk and babble and talk and try to make my point from all directions. i think it sometimes comes across as a bit of whining. "Whining?" you say? yea. i think i am going to make that observation. I am not one of many words in any situation - quiet to a fault. when i really, really want something, i think if i throw the cards up, i can let them land where they may. i guess i believe in things just running their own course, and instead of being overtly assertive, (for fear of being wrong, or mocked), i just add a few comments to conversation and move on. however, in a business setting... when i feel passionate and know my stuff, i will go on and on. i will use too many words, too many examples, too many directions to drive it home. i think i am going to try to hone these words. Find the distinctly accurate phrases to drive it in, and then, let it sit there. if one asks for more info, i will happily give it.

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