what i am like right now

listening to:

2003-05-01 - 11:20 a.m.

i think i am having one of those times where you get kind of introspective on yourself and start to examine the person you are. i find myself wanting to look and disect, but stop somewhere in the middle and come up with no conclusions.

i was asked to describe myself and came up with the following:

i paint some but rarely now-a-days. i don't read very much-- though i used to. i don't watch much tv, other than the car accident of prime time- the bachelor-- and the best show on tv, six feet under. i have a small apartment which i moved into a few months ago. i don't cook much of anything at all. maybe an egg sandwich or a grilled cheese once in a while. my current favorite beer is becks. i like green tea ice cream. i eat peanut butter balance bars for breakfast at my computer. i wear thongs and rarely wear skirts and love suede pumas, campus addias and anything made by american apparel. i skateboard at a skatepark about 60 miles north of santa monica. im way into balance. i have an amazing inner compass, which makes me very good at remembering my way, following directions and finding the car in an amusement park parking lot. i believe men should open the car door for women. im not very witty. im kind of stand-offish and only have one best friend, my sister. i don't own any pets though i have two cats that live with my mom- chase and sugar. i just purchased my first pair of seven jeans which, oddly enough, do not fit me correctly. i don't wear much make-up and don't talk on the phone a lot. i like to drive fast but am weary of speeding tickets.. and before i leave town, i have to have a place where i know i will land. i work ten hour days and manage a team of 7 individuals. i used to swim a lot and love it, and now i can barely seem to like taking a bath-- though once in a while they are quite nice. i don't have a tan. i don't really like the sun, i am more of a fog person. i admire and love my dad tremendously.

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