new department

listening to:

2001-10-12 - 9:16 p.m.

interestingly enough, i want to comment on my new work environment. switching departments is an eye opening experience and a wonderfully entertaining prospect if you are an observent person. you still have your friends and some unfinished work in the old department, and then you have to perform as a new hire, with diligence and perfection in your new position to make new friends and coworkers... learning about certain isms that they have, they way they work and the way that you must work with them.

most of my new coworkers have been absolutely wonderful. welcoming and patient. In the past few weeks i have had to learn an enormous amount of 'backend' information, and question what my virgin eyes have to offer.

one person who i work with is so very interesting. engineering people are interesting if you can get them to talk and relax for a second to let go of some of the technical pride that is fastened around their waist.

one gentleman that i work with is so funny. he actually lives down the street from me... we bonded on the neighborhood level at first... then i got to looking at his desk inhabitants, they included things such as:

-ginko biloba
-"The 2000 calorie counter book"
-pepsi one
-"How to Network and keep Power Relationships"
-a Thesaurus
-papers askew everywhere.

Another developer hates me already. I am constantly on his case about runtime errors. ahh, the joys.

one of the benefits of working for a dot com is that the people that are there, are there because the want to be, and the ax hasn't cut them off at the ankles.

tonight, i took a stuffed football and nailed our CTO in the head. ahhh, yes, we even have one of those razor scooters, that each tech person takes a random ride over to marketing on.

I thought to myself, this is pure fun. the work, the people, this time; its just fun... and i can still pay my rent and bills. joyous!

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