first instinct - last date

listening to: a portrait in sepia - audio book
mood: preoccupied

2007-01-22 - 9:20 a.m.

So I went on two first dates in one day. I know. Silly me. I have this annoying feeling today that I just can't do anything right. Nothing is smooth right now. Seems like I am fighting myself day and night and it is definitely not cool. Anyhow. I went on these two first dates- yes - and one of them was this guy.
One was a lunch date that was introduced to me by a friend- he works close by- and we went to one of the nicer restaurants here. We got along well enough- but I think I decided that he is far too serious for me, for right now. I don't think there will be a second date.
The next date was a meeting for drinks at a nearby sexy bar. It was fun. We chatted, smiled and talked about work, going out, living locations, vacations. Oddly enough I talked to his Mom on the phone for a brief minute. It was a nice time. However, I think he is a player type and a little too young for me- I would probably wind up getting hurt.
There is a part of me that is hoping by going on dates- I get good at them. But on the other hand-- Do I really want to be a good dater? Dating sucks- the calling, the meeting, the nervousness, the waiting, the ridiculous conversations, etc. I start to question the impression that I am giving- and start to wonder if the other person is really aware of the impression that they are giving. Flirting is more fun- and it seems that the formalities of the dating game throw me for a loop and I don't know if I want to learn those lessons.

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